Migraine Trust International
Symposium 2022

Online Registration now open!

8 - 11 September 2022

London Hilton Metropole,
United Kingdom

Migraine Trust International Symposium 2022

It gives us considerable pleasure to invite you back to London for the 19th Migraine Trust International Symposium.

We are thrilled to announce the return to an in-person meeting for the Migraine Trust International Symposium 2022, it gives us considerable pleasure to invite you back to London and to see you in person.

MTIS 2022 brings you a live meeting, using learnings from the COVID-19 era virtual meeting to create a truly modern meeting. MTIS 2022 will be the first face-to-face meeting for the international headache and migraine community in the last three years.

First held in 1976, MTIS is the world’s longest established headache conference.

We have always striven to place clinicians and scientists interested in headache together at a meeting run in conjunction with our most important stakeholder: headache patients, particularly with migraine, and those who care for them.

Discoveries in mechanisms, new treatments and information on the impacts of migraine affect all attendees, so our meetings have always attracted an international attendance with the flair of London and under-pinning by a globally-recognised patient-driven organisation - The Migraine Trust.

For 2022 there will be an outstanding scientific programme including teaching courses and an opportunity to present the latest abstracts.

A public programme will be provided on the final afternoon.

We will have industry-driven satellites where new and exciting therapies will be presented.

We are looking forward to seeing you face-to-face in London for a great meeting.

Peter Goadsby
Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee MTIS

Key Dates

Registration Open

Registration Now Open

Abstract Submission Open

Abstract Submission Now Open

Abstract Submission Deadline

1 June 2022

Early Bird Registration Deadline

30 June 2022

Late Breaking Abstract Portal Open

4 July 2022

Late Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline

18 July 2022

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